It has been awhile since i bought a new phone. Cant believe its already been two years actually. To date, my iphone 3g is actually the most expensive thing that I have ever purchased.
Last week Steve Jobs finally announced the next iPhone, the iPhone4. I can't help but drool over the specs if this one. Ever since I bought my iPhone, I learned to love it and really appreciate it. Of course there are things that I wish they could have put in like the capability to send/receive files via bluetooth and longer battery life among others but for every reason to hate the iPhone, there are 10 reasons to love it!

I was browsing my Facebook account a few weeks back and a Nokia Phone catched my attention. It was the N8. Nokia phones really don't catch my attention anymore since I left the telecoms industry but this one was different. It's like an iPhone but with a twist. I tried to look for it at Nokia stores but didn't find any. It seems that it won't be released in the Philippines for a few more months eventhough its already at their website.
Now the question is, Which phone should I get?
Both phones are not yet released so I don't have any reviews to check aside from the comments from tech people. I was really a Nokia lover before I bought my iPhone but Apple has changed the way I look at phones.
Hopefully I can decide in a few months.